Sunday, 1 January 2012

Well here I am again!  It's just got to be done. New Years Resolution time, you know those resolutions I make then you don't see me again for 6 months, yeah those!

I want to try to do a photo a day project again although it might dwindle to a photo a week, we'll see. I'm hoping, with a camera on my phone, forgetting (or not bothering with) my camera won't be an excuse.

I want to do the get fitter/slimmer bit too, maybe back to Slimming World, we'll see. I got a Wii Fit for Christmas which I love so, hopefully, I'll use that a lot.

Posting on here? I'll try to post my photo's weekly and I've got a backlog of cards and layouts which I haven't posted, sheer laziness and an unwillingness to fight with Blogger every time I came on, although this new format seems sooooooo much easier!

Life should be a little easier in 2012. Stuart has taken out his private pension so life should be less worrying and, with a job, hopefully, on the horizon, even back to how it used to be! Robbie has also just got a job, at last, so things are looking up!

So hello again blog. Happy New Year to anyone who happens along. I will see you again soon!!!


Unknown said...

Happy New Year!! Thanks for following my blog! Sarah x

Tracy said...

Looking forward to seeing some posts from you :)
Wishing you and your family the best in the New Year..sounds like its on the right track :)
Good luck in my give away :)